Changelog - 02.07.24

Changelog - 02.07.2024

Dear members

Below you can find the new changes and improvements we have made for the Seminar Manager 4 component.


Date: July 2nd 2024 - Seminar Manager Changelog for Version 4.2.0

New Features:

- Module calendar
- Optional ICS filename prefix
- Specific booking deadline and cancel deadline by each course
- Dashboard news ticker
- Dashboard update notification
- Tutor exporter
- Cancellation invoices in backend
- Optional cancellation invoices and notifications on 'my bookings' in frontend

Bug fixes:

 - Error by rebooking - wrong check_out / check_out_time value
- Attendee list by course without any tutor
- Wrong results in module upcoming events while selecting multiple categories
- Missing user assignment by public booking with user registration
- Alternative sender option didn't work by backend notification with email template 


- Check if email is registrable before submitting while public booking with user registration


This changelog outlines all the significant updates and improvements made in Seminar Manager version 4.2.0..


  • eLounge
  • Kanton Zürich
  • Pensionskasse SBB

Bederstrasse 77, 8002 Zürich
+41 44 586 00 18

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