Choose from many options:
Using the module "upcoming events" (you need premium membership for this module), you can display a small table at any module position on your website. You can customize this table and show/hide single columns. The table automatically displays the upcoming events using the courses belonging to your selected category, filtered individually using other possible options.
The module "Calendar" (you need premium membership for this module) can be used to show a calendar view of your course programme. The calendar days have links attached, that lead the user either to a day view of all courses that take place that day, or directly to a detailed view of a course you clicked on.
offer document download links or attach documents to emails
templates for invoices, confirmation emails, other emails to applicants, emails to interested parties, confirmation emails for waitinglists and much more
assign templates individually to courses
get you user's opinions: let users evaluate your courses
export your data using export templates you can individually customize
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+41 44 586 00 18
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