Changelog 18.10.2024 - version 4.3.0

New Features

  • Recursive search in the search module *
  • Great News for Yootheme / Uikit users. If your Website is built with Yootheme, you can try our new Uikit support Option and enjoy.
  • Field CC and Reply-To in email template
  •  Two more email / pdf template parameters for preis discout
  • email / pdf template parameters for course sessions
  •  Optionally Display currency in course table


  • Categories in Seminarman are now upgraded to Nested set model, which has a lot a of potential advantages
  • Added all missing countries for custom field with type "country"
  • Sorting Tags by Option "tags gouped courses" in category view

Bug Fixes

  • already enabled field Groups couldn't be disabled in the Layouts for booking formular
  • some Styling error with legends in module upcoming Events
  • Event was not clickable on the module calendar in smartphone
  • Ajax call error by "Dashboard Version notification" in some Special cases (not necessary to announce)
  • Fatal error in case of a mailer failure (not necessary to announce)
  • Some remainings from SMAN J3 such as invalid null datetime could cause error in SMAN J4/J5 (not necessary to announce)

* Um rekursive Suche zu verwenden, müssen Sie zuvor die SMAN Kategorien in Ihrem System auf Nested Set Model ugraden: - Wenn Sie nach der Installation dieser neuen Version bereits eine Kategorie bearbeitet haben, müssen Sie nichts tun. - Ansonsten bearbeiten Sie eine beliebige SMAN Kategorie und einmal unverändert abspeichern. Das war's, die Kategorien in Ihrem System werden nun auf Nested Set Model upgraded.

Changelog - 02.07.2024

Dear members

Below you can find the new changes and improvements we have made for the Seminar Manager 4 component.


Date: July 2nd 2024 - Seminar Manager Changelog for Version 4.2.0-

New Features:

- Module calendar
- Optional ICS filename prefix
- Specific booking deadline and cancel deadline by each course
- Dashboard news ticker
- Dashboard update notification
- Tutor exporter
- Cancellation invoices in backend
- Optional cancellation invoices and notifications on 'my bookings' in frontend

Bug fixes:

 - Error by rebooking - wrong check_out / check_out_time value
- Attendee list by course without any tutor
- Wrong results in module upcoming events while selecting multiple categories
- Missing user assignment by public booking with user registration
- Alternative sender option didn't work by backend notification with email template 


- Check if email is registrable before submitting while public booking with user registration


This changelog outlines all the significant updates and improvements made in Seminar Manager version 4.2.0..


  • eLounge
  • Kanton Zürich
  • Pensionskasse SBB

Bederstrasse 77, 8002 Zürich
+41 44 586 00 18

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